Working with SFC is a guarantee of ISO quality, impartiality and respect for the confidentiality of the work entrusted.
SFC has a quality management system that complies with the requirements of the NF EN ISO 17025 standard.
SFC is Cofrac Essais, n°1-0062 accredited (see the scope of accreditation) according to the NF EN ISO 17025 standard. Its accreditation relates to:
- Floors and wall and floor coverings (ceramic tiles and slabs, etc.)
- Sanitarywares (WC bowls and tanks, glazed surfaces, etc.)
- The aptitude for food contact of different materials
Maintaining this recognition ensure SFC’s ability to carry out tests under accreditation.
Thanks to the services eligible for the french Research Tax Credit (CIR), SFC allows you to benefit from a doubling of the value of your studies.
The SFC training offer meets the indicators of the national reference QUALIOPI since December 29, 2021 under number FP 2021/0075-0. Through this certification, the SFC demonstrates a high level of quality of its training which makes them eligible for OPCO funding.
SFC has private customer approvals in various sectors of activity: