Thanks to its permanent technical and regulatory and its in-depth analytical knowledge, SFC supports manufacturers, integrators, distributors and importers to guarantee that their products are suitable for coming into contact with food, i.e. there is no risk of chemical contamination of food and drink intended for humans or animals.
The analysis laboratory thus offers a wide range of equipment regularly renewed and checked. It offers analytical programs based on regulatory requirements and enabling to verify the conformity of the products entrusted, it also guides and advises customers in the field.

The benefits
SFC is Cofrac accredited in controlling the specific migration of lead and cadmium from ceramic articles for more than 30 years. Since 2003, it has extended its expertise to characterize other materials and has enlarged its area of certification on global migration tests.
SFC’s laboratory offers a wide range of services to achieve:
The internal development of new tests to widen its field of action.
Expertise and advice to industrialists from identification of material nature to definition of the tests to be carried out to verify that the material is chemically inert.
Scientific watch by participating in particular in the think tank of the DGCCRF on the regulation and the control methods of chemically inert property of materials in contact with food or in the standardization commission D21B for the drafting of test standards concerning materials in contact with food.
Carrying out benchmarking or multimaterial studies.
Trainings: the SFC organizes once or twice a year a technical day on the French and European current regulations for materials in contact with foodstuffs.
Global migration tests using several tracer elements, specific migration, and content of different chemical agents.
Container / content interaction studies.
Organoleptic tests.
Specific characterization to each material (resistance to staining of dyes on paper, cardboard, etc.)
Analysis of specific pollutant contents.
Advice or technical support for the proposal of specific tests.
Sampling in store.
Collection reviews.
The service helps clients target the most hazardous products in a collection and is able to help define a control strategy.
The ways

Atomic absorption spectrometer

ICP MS (Inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry instrument)

Park Stock of ovens

Gas chromatograph coupled to a mass spectrometer

UV spectrophotometer
The quality approach

SFC has a number of labels, approvals and recognitions that testify its professionalism and its involvement in Research and Innovation. In particular, it has the agreement “Crédit impôt recherche” (CIR) Research Tax Credit, with a doubling of the tax base calculation.

SFC also possesses a quality management system that meets the requirements to the NF EN ISO 17025 standard.
SFC is thus Cofrac Essais, n°1-0062 accredited (scope available on saccording to the NF EN ISO 17025 standard. Its accreditation in the #79 program – “Essais et analyses des matériaux au contact des denrées alimentaires” relates to:
- The aptitude for food contact of different materials
Maintaining this recognition ensures SFC’s ability to carry out tests under accreditation.