Thanks to its significant experience in the study of materials and finished products, SFC supports manufacturers in the analysis of their products through tests to determine their properties.
The analysis laboratory offers a wide range of equipment that is regularly renewed and checked.
The benefits
SFC offers a wide range of services to ensure a homogeneous and representative sample of the initial material to be analyzed, as soon as possible.
The tests proposed by SFC’s teams are carried out with reference to French, European or international standards or regulations, or according to specifications defined with its customers.
The ways
Chain saw
Semi automatic polisher
Micro chain saw
The quality approach
SFC has a number of labels, approvals and recognitions that testify its professionalism and its involvement in Research and Innovation. In particular, it has the agreement “Crédit impôt recherche” (CIR) Research Tax Credit, with a doubling of the tax base calculation.
SFC also possesses a quality management system that meets the requirements to the NF EN ISO 17025 standard.
SFC is thus Cofrac Essais, n°1-0062 accredited (scope available on according to the NF EN ISO 17025 standard.