
Sarra Atig

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The tableware sector is dynamic and very varied. Tableware articles are characterized by the diversity of materials (ceramic, glass, plastic), shapes (plates, bowls, glasses, etc.) and uses.
In terms of quality control, SFC has developed specific expertise to determine tableware properties and behaviour under real conditions, according to standards requirements.

Ceramic articles

  • Material identification: porcelain, stoneware, earthenware, pottery (French customs)
  • Crazing resistance (NF EN 13258)
  • Mechanical dishwashing resistance of ustensils: reference test method for domestic articles (NF EN 12875-1)
  • Mechanical dishwashing resistance of ustensils: rapid test for domestic ceramic articles (NF EN 12875-4)
  • Mechanical dishwashing resistance of ustensils: rapid test for ceramic catering articles (NF EN 12875-5)

Ceramic articles, glass

Ceramic, glass, plastic articles

  • Mechanical dishwashing resistance of ustensils (NF EN 12875-1)
  • Resistance to microwave heating (NF EN 15284)